Reliance Industries Limited
Reliance Industries Limited is second largest private sector conglomerate in the world. It is listed within Fortune Global 500 companies, being ranked at 206th position (2008) and at 148th position (2018).
Reliance has more than 3 million shareholders. It is one of the world's most widely held stock. 1 out of every 4 investors in India is a Reliance shareholder.
Reliance Industries stock is one of the most important components of Dow Jones India Titans 30 index and BSE Sensex 30.
RIL Share price as of November 9, 2018 was INR1,093 with P/E of 18.32 and dividend yield of 0.55%.
Mukesh D. Ambani is the CEO.
It is still require to lncrease employment
Some of the petroleum centres of the company in rural areas are closed any reason behind it please explain why?