Japan blue chips

Japan Securities Exchange

The Tokyo Stock Exchange (known as Tōkyō Shōken Torihikijo, Tōshō or TSE), is the third largest stock exchange in the world. The Tokyo Stock Exchange was established in 1878. Total of 2320 companies were listed as of May 2013.

Tokyo Stock Exchange market capitalization is $3.8 trillion as of December 2013.

The very well-known stocks are included in the Nikkei 225 index that is published by Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei). Nikkei 225 is the main Japan stock index.

Nikkei 225 has following sector weights: Technology 43.71%, Financials 4.04%, Consumer Goods 20.15%, Materials 16.01%, Capital Goods/Others 12.46% and Transportation and Utilities 3.62%.

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Japan stock market

The biggest stocks traded on the TSE, in terms of their market capitalisation, include:

  • Fast Retailing
  • Fanuc
  • Softbank
  • Kyocera
  • Honda Motor
  • KDDI
  • Shin-Etsu Chemical
  • Canon
  • Secom
  • Toyota Motor

TSE homepage